Recently, I have been challenged in my morals and how I should operate in my daily EVE ongoings. I try to hold myself to more of a "Not Red Don't Shoot" or NRDS standard then most people in low sec who are NBSI or "Not Blue Shoot It." Well at least the pirates are definitely NBSI. However, I have some friends that are full on Ransoming pirates with a -10 security Status. I have worked with them before and told them I will not shoot them. I just don't like shooting my friends. One thing about EVE I enjoy is inflicting misery on others. Tears are delicious and I get less enjoyment when my foe tells me gf or compliments me and just leaves. I want RAAAGGGEE in local. When pirates or gankers rage and call me names it makes me laugh and adds enjoyment to my kill. So when it comes to friends I haven't yet developed the "good sportsmanship" attitude that would come in other games from playing against your friends. However, my friends aren't necessarily going to be friends with my friends, and that situation came up last week. A couple of Sinners guys came through Mara when I was in fleet with a few other APEXers and some other local anti-pies. I wasn't really in command of the fleet but no one else was officially leading the fleet either (that's just the way we operate.). I told the other guys that we shouldn't engage these guys and I don't think they will engage us either. I was in a public channel with the pirates as well and they were telling me to "pretend" to go AFK so they could do their dirty work. I told them no I can't I'm in fleet with them. I also told them do not engage with anyone in our fleet as I will defend them. At the Mara/Dantumi gate some confusion was in process. A pirate in a Drake locked and fired at bumnz in Dantumi and bumnz responded with missiles back at him. Fang and the rest of our fleet warped to the Dantumi gate and said they are taking anything out they can that is red as they engaged us first. Fang's words were, "fuck these guys I don't know them!" I tried to hold off but my fleet was counting on me being there for them so I said fuck it and grabbed one of the pirates and got on one of their killmails . My buddy also got popped and podded as I told bumnz not to pod him but it was too late. Luckily Professor Terror was not butt hurt about the loss and he said he was in a naked clone.
With this incident I have come to the conclusion that ALL pirates are shoot on sight (SoS) unless they are blue for some reason (which should match some RP reason) or unless I have come to some sort of temporary agreement with said pirates to go against some other foe.
Another incident also came up which I am torn on. Genius Loci, a known and competent pirate, was out and about in Passari, I guess Fang Khan has worked with him before and stated "he's cool" but I never have and he is in a corp red to us. If it's red it's dead. Normally he undocks and I engage and he redocks in a ship that might handle what I have better or trump my ship. I then redock and undock in a ship that trumps his (or just more ships) until we are in Battleships and Carriers etc. If I have more numbers he runs off with his insta-undock or just stays docked. This time he came out in a Dominix that was active shield tanked. I was in a Navy Mega and my Absolution. I started firing and he was tanking it for a little bit but then I tore into his armor, he didn't do anything. I am now into his structure and he isn't docking. Well hell I'm not stopping maybe he aggressed and I didn't notice. I popped him and thats when i realized that he crashed or logged. His pod e-warps off in a random direction and I think, "he's got a 15 minute aggro time now!" I don't even hesitate I redock and get into a covops and a Hurricane and undock. I scan down his pod and pop it. He logs in a few minutes late and doesn't seem to mind the expected loss of the Domi but he is mad that I podded him. Would he have not done the same to me in that situation? I think so. Or was I a dick for podding him?
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