Monday, September 19, 2011

High sec wars are REALLY REALLY DUMB.

So after a few days of the high sec war, I have made the above conclusion. Our enemies use nuetral alt boosters that lock my falcon and prevent it from cloaking, so I spend most of my time in low sec where I can choose to shoot thier nuetral alts if I want to. Also, I have a capital ship advantage too. They want to play dirty then I will use all my resources I can as well. First couple days my newer players are trying to fight, even though I told them they would lose, they insist on it as they can learn from it and it is still fun for them. Ok fine, I can accept that, but having my corp and alliance lose ships isn't fun for me, but I look the other way. Killboard stats may have ruined EVE but I like to look competant to my enemies as well. *shrug*

Such is EVE....

When myself or Fang is logged in, what I consider our "vets," then it is a differant story. Either we play back and forth and no one can kill each other, or they stay docked when we outnumber them. This is the high sec war crap I remember. So Thomas and 86camino lose ships, Sami loses a ship and gets podded, and our indy play Caldari 159 loses a hauler full of goodies *sigh.* At LEAST be in a combat ship if you are going to lose a ship. Blockade Runners are the only haulers allowed in high sec wars. Sorry Cal, I know this is a learning experiance for you but I gotta be blunt. Cal is probably thinking, "Fuck you Cloora I didn't lose a Navy Mega like a noob anyway!" LOL.

So our break is on friday night when we have most all our people online. So the war targets are staying at bay. Poking thier heads in from time to time but we have too many for them to handle at this point in time. We resort back to our old low sec ways and we have our kiwi buddies online as well. After raping a few Fleet stabbers, we see Amelia Duskspace in a Hurricane flying around Passari. She is being careful not to be caught so we largely ignore her. Until that is, she logs off with agression (she shot at one of us at a gate a few minutes prior) in space! From my experiance catching pirates in Mara I know this opportunity and I pounce on it. I dock Mil and get her Helios and drop probes immediatly. We smell a trap of some sort but we also know that barring something REALLY unexpected we can barrel through whatever trap they might have. So I find her Hurricane and squad warp. We land and dismantle the Hurricane with no effort. (BTW Battle Helios FTW) Her pod then e-warps off and I re-run a scan find the pod and warp to it. Done. Other then that it has been a very boring war.

They did put my small POS in High sec into reinforced mode and incapped my guns and stuff. With 1 day and 9 hours left on the timer I retracted the war. So far with no counter dec back I have time to either rep the POS or put up a large with lots of ECM to make it a royal pain to do that again.

In conclusion. High Sec wars need a revamp. Nuetral reppers and boosters and scouts need to be dealt with in some way. Personal war decs need to exist if someone is in a NPC corp.


I have been flying pretty "high and mighty" as of late. Not really many losses and been pushing APEX's dominance everywhere I go in low sec. Our reputation has been making it difficult to get in any fights. People think of us as "blobbers" and "ECM fags." Well, we are sometimes, but there is a lot of times I roam around solo. Just me and my 4 alts where I wouldn't consider myself a blob, I do pack ECM most times. :-) Last Sunday I had an incident that put me back on my heels. I got socked in the nose in an EVE sense and beaten at my own game of baiting.

There was a pilot flying around Passari and Mara who was in a Myrmidon. She was positive security status and seemed to be ratting. She was being very passive. Running when I locked her and sometimes running away when I just showed up in the belt. If she wanted a fight she would stick around I thought.

So I got comfortable with her in system running around the belts. I had my Raven and Brutix running around just ratting myself. I got so comfortable I went AFK with my ships sitting in the belts as I went to do sometimes for about 30 seconds. (I forgot what it was) Karok was on standby with his non scanning pilgrim (the cheaper fit) and Cloora in her Falcon. When I got back from my 30 second interlude, I see a red Myrm on my Brutix! JOY! She got confident and cocky and thinks her Myrm will best my lower tier BattleCruiser! I was still way up in shields on my shield tanked Brutix so I figure I am fine and she just went red on me.

I engage my guns on her at point blank range. I expect to tear into her armor quickly and she may have a triple rep active setup. I'll need the Pilgrim just in case to nuet her out. I mistake a slow moving armor tank for repping up as I move my eyes to my other screens looking at what I need to do. I see local spike up 4 more people. Not a problem my Falcon is now cloaked 50km off from Milonia and Karok has landed now with the Raven also on it's way. I notice now that my blasters are not really tearing into the Myrms armor like it should. Also she has ECM drones out on me. I have lost lock with the Brutix and my Brutix ECM drones are getting damaged from a Smartbomb? This is getting odd. Apparently she is a passive tanked smarty fit? My pilgrim is useless against this. A Dominix, Typhoon and Hurricane have now landed. I uncloak my Falcon and start with the JAMZ! The Domi drops Sentry drones so even when jammed, they still are firing at my Falcon. It hurts but my armor tank is holding for now. They quickly dismantle my Brutix and I warp Mil off in her pod. I start to get a few jams off on the battleships after I realize I am wasting my Gallente jammer on the damn Myrm, but the Sentry drones have gotten my Falcon into low armor and I must warp off and back in again. My poor Raven is next on their kill list as he keeps trying to apply the DEEPS to the Myrm. Besides being in the wrong ships for this engagement my lack of target swapping was my second biggest mistake I made in this fight. In order to make the best of the cards I was dealt. I suppose I should have moved everything over to the Domi as its drones were causing the biggest headache for me. With it out of the fight I would have had JAMZ! again and any other drones would get chewed up by my Falcon's smarties. I could have TDed the Cane and nueted the Domi (in case of active tank) and just hoped to tank the Phoon with my afterburner speed and my MAR II. The Raven could have also helped absorb any other damage left with its decent EHP while putting down the hurt with it's Torpedoes. Even if the Brutix would have still died then she could have shipped to a Logi or another Falcon.

Unfortunately that is NOT what I did. I started to give up. Thomas Ononion was on grid with me by this time and he diligently followed my orders to keep on the Myrm. We still hadn't killed it by the time the Pilgrim fell. I could not bring my Falcon back at this time as it would have been primaried and of little use. I made the 3rd mistake of the fight and upshipped Mil into her BAMF ship the Navy Mega. I counted on getting Karok into the Archon and just going Beserker Rage into the battlefield killing anything that dared stay on the battlefield. I sounded the Calvary charge and Thomas quickly told me to not come as he was already in armor. It was too late I canceled warp a second too late the Navy Mega was now in warp. Now I am in overdrive mode as I am trying to get the fat ass Archon to stop moving and align and warp to the battle. Thomas' Drake pops. The Navy Mega lands, the Archon  is still aligning. I figure I need to kill something to I STILL go after the Myrm. Well this time I'm in a Navy Mega of course I killed it. But now they are on my Navy Mega full bore. DAMNIT ARCHON GET INTO WARP!!! After my half of the Mega's EHP is now stripped away the Archon finally gets into warp! The mega has now tackled the Domi but has less then 1/4 armor left. Unfortunatly the capital ship lands 2 seconds after the Mega pops and they scatter into the wind as the arrival of the powerful ship.

As I have stated before, I sometimes take expensive losses well if I just was not able to do anything or it was still a good fight. If I make horrible mistakes, I get VERY upset with myself. So I was quite mad with this loss. The ISK was nothing I replaced all the ships with one Jita run. It was the fact I looked like a noob out there. I am NOT a noob and I think I am well skilled in what I do. These guys were probably laughing at me and I don't take kind to that. What I did was what me and Fang joke about what the we LOVE the enemy to do. You know those kung fu movies? The bad ones? Where there are a few good guys in the middle and they are surrounded by bad guys. The bad guys send one person in at a time to get thier butt kicked by the few good guys in the middle. That is what I did.

So, after some really quick research into these guys, I dec both corps...

Monday, September 5, 2011

The morals of an anti-pirate.

Recently, I have been challenged in my morals and how I should operate in my daily EVE ongoings. I try to hold myself to more of a "Not Red Don't Shoot" or NRDS standard then most people in low sec who are NBSI or "Not Blue Shoot It." Well at least the pirates are definitely NBSI. However, I have some friends that are full on Ransoming pirates with a -10 security Status. I have worked with them before and told them I will not shoot them. I just don't like shooting my friends. One thing about EVE I enjoy is inflicting misery on others. Tears are delicious and I get less enjoyment when my foe tells me gf or compliments me and just leaves. I want RAAAGGGEE in local. When pirates or gankers rage and call me names it makes me laugh and adds enjoyment to my kill. So when it comes to friends I haven't yet developed the "good sportsmanship" attitude that would come in other games from playing against your friends. However, my friends aren't necessarily going to be friends with my friends, and that situation came up last week. A couple of Sinners guys came through Mara when I was in fleet with a few other APEXers and some other local anti-pies. I wasn't really in command of the fleet but no one else was officially leading the fleet either (that's just the way we operate.). I told the other guys that we shouldn't engage these guys and I don't think they will engage us either. I was in a public channel with the pirates as well and they were telling me to "pretend" to go AFK so they could do their dirty work. I told them no I can't I'm in fleet with them. I also told them do not engage with anyone in our fleet as I will defend them. At the Mara/Dantumi gate some confusion was in process. A pirate in a Drake locked and fired at bumnz in Dantumi and bumnz responded with missiles back at him. Fang and the rest of our fleet warped to the Dantumi gate and said they are taking anything out they can that is red as they engaged us first. Fang's words were, "fuck these guys I don't know them!" I tried to hold off but my fleet was counting on me being there for them so I said fuck it and grabbed one of the pirates and got on one of their killmails . My buddy also got popped and podded as I told bumnz not to pod him but it was too late. Luckily Professor Terror was not butt hurt about the loss and he said he was in a naked clone.

With this incident I have come to the conclusion that ALL pirates are shoot on sight (SoS) unless they are blue for some reason (which should match some RP reason) or unless I have come to some sort of temporary agreement with said pirates to go against some other foe.

Another incident also came up which I am torn on. Genius Loci, a known and competent pirate, was out and about in Passari, I guess Fang Khan has worked with him before and stated "he's cool" but I never have and he is in a corp red to us. If it's red it's dead. Normally he undocks and I engage and he redocks in a ship that might handle what I have better or trump my ship. I then redock and undock in a ship that trumps his (or just more ships) until we are in Battleships and Carriers etc. If I have more numbers he runs off with his insta-undock or just stays docked. This time he came out in a Dominix that was active shield tanked. I was in a Navy Mega and my Absolution. I started firing and he was tanking it for a little bit but then I tore into his armor, he didn't do anything. I am now into his structure and he isn't docking. Well hell I'm not stopping maybe he aggressed and I didn't notice. I popped him and thats when i realized that he crashed or logged. His pod e-warps off in a random direction and I think, "he's got a 15 minute aggro time now!" I don't even hesitate I redock and get into a covops and a Hurricane and undock. I scan down his pod and pop it. He logs in a few minutes late and doesn't seem to mind the expected loss of the Domi but he is mad that I podded him. Would he have not done the same to me in that situation? I think so. Or was I a dick for podding him?